In the mix - The Buzz!

Design Miami, 8 July 2023

Design Miami's monthly, can't-miss roundup of design world news and inspiration.


Welcome to The Buzz, our monthly roundup of design world news and inspiration for Design Miami’s discerning community of creatives and collectors. Enjoy!


Light My Fire! at Ketabi Bourdet in Paris

At Ketabi Bourdet in Paris, you’ll find Light My Fire!, a vibrant group exhibition of artists and designers from different generations exploring a single universal theme. As the gallery explains: “Antithetical as both creator and destroyer, fire is honored in all its forms… It is domesticated by Élisabeth Garouste, who shapes bronze, iron, and faience; it is left wild by Pauline d'Andigné and her Burning Desire; suggested in the plasticized flame of Vincent Bécheau and Marie-Laure Bourgeois's Chair n°4; and sublimated by the gold of Mathias Kiss's screen.” The show includes many more examples of works that cleverly engage the theme, both literally and obliquely. Light My Fire! runs through July 28th and, after a summer hiatus, has a second run from August 29th to September 23rd.


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